Best Deadpool Costumes and Masks-Halloween Costume Ideas
Deadpool is an antihero from the Marvel comic, first appearing in New Mutants, whose real name is Wade Winston Wilson. he was originally a Canadian special forces soldier, but he finally became one of the test subjects of the Weapon X program in order to cure his terminally ill.
Deadpool surged in popularity thanks to his unique personality, as we know, many fans can't wait to emulate this humorous character. Here we will recommend you the best Deadpool costumes and Deadpool masks to help you to cosplay who you want to dress as.

Wolverine Costume
Hugh Jackman returned in Deadpool 3, he wore his classic yellow-and-blue costume. absolutely, The inspiration for this Deadpool costume worn by Wolverine is from the comic war uniform in X-men. As you can see, the real-life Wolverine costume is the same as the one shown in comic books. the overlook of the Wolverine costume includes a bright yellow suit, dark blue boots, shoulder cuffs, and gloves. Wolverine has a strong body, so some muscle line was printed on the waist and thighs of the costume.
In the comic books, Wolverine costume does not come with sleeves to show off his muscles, so we also supply another version costume that the sleeves can be moved off.
Lady Deadpool Costume
We know that Deadpool is a male character, but actually, Deadpool has got huge female fans following. if you want to embody Deadpool or show your body line next Halloween, this Lady Deadpool costume is definitely your first choice.
All over the costume is bright red, The shoulders and the waist of the bodysuit are black, with large black ovals around eye slits, and Deadpool's signature symbol is printed on the front of the belt, this is Lady Deadpool costume. each wrist and the legs are around straps, and bags equipped on the shoulder and waist are an essential part of the uniform, used to hold ammunition, maps, and any protective things for the battle.
Deadpool Mask
Deadpool is well-known for his iconic red mask, like most superheroes will wear masks to hide their real identities, Deadpool wears a mask because he doesn't want anyone to know who he is, and his face is scarred.
Making a Deadpool mask is not an easy thing, first, we need to make a head model, then, we add different fabrics on the outside and inner, and we must add extra room to breathe and wear. the most complex part is the black eye shadow, we need to sculpt the shape of the line of the eye bones. Becostume supplies great Deadpool masks, there are 2 affordable price versions for you to select from.
So are you ready to dress as Deadpool for Halloween? you are a fan of the movie Deadpool costume, and you want to show up as Deadpool on the movie premiere. what are you waiting for? wearing a Deadpool red jumpsuit and picking up the accessories, you can appear at any event, don't forget to hold a premium Deadpool mask.